Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Lover

Here's the thing about taking a lover. It's supposed to be just about physical attraction with some psychological curiosity that keeps you going back for more. The curiosity is a shared thought. Curious as to how you got yourself in this position, and curious as to why the other person keeps coming back. So I took a lover. The thing it's more.

It's more because maybe I'm without love. Maybe I'm without physical attraction and mental exercise. Maybe it's not that I don't have these things or maybe it's that she is full of them.

She wows me. She excites me. it's 60% brains, 60% sexiness and 40% style. Yes, she is about 160% great.

I'll struggle to internalize what this all means, but in the meantime, I think I'll enjoy what she gives me. I'll try to give something back. And, when the day comes, when by chance we meet again, i'll take her as my lover and she'll give me 160% of something I didn't know I had.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Twitter is Filthy - And that's the way I like It

Good ol' Twitter. What's a blog without a Twitter reference. I'm @maxismyname on Twitter. Follow me. Although, I am a bit sporadic with the tweeting. And, there's a reason for that. I prefer to listen or watch. Maybe that's the voyeur in me. Always been a fan of watching and being watched.

Back in the days of the VCR and pre-internet, I had a ton of porn tapes. I stashed them above my TV in a place I thought they'd never be found. I'd watch these amazing performers and wondered what happends when the lights go out. When they clean up, wash off, get dressed and go home. Now, I know. Hell I know even before DVD goes for sale, before it's posted to the internet. I know because stars TwitPic (or sites like it) from the set. A sneak peek at behind the scenes. I like to sneak a peek. :)

Some favorites of mine who do this are:
And, it's not just pornstars either. It's everyday sexy people who love to share and show the world what makes them, them. If you've never seen @hotjane's nipples. Do yourself a favor and check them out. Now.

You see, for someone like me. Some who is fascinated by the fantasy of the known, unknown, Twitter is amazing. I would never know any of this if it weren't for Twitter, but now I do.

What about you? What does Twitter do for you? I want to hear...and see.

The Intro

Who am I you ask? Good question. I'm trying to figure that out myself. Maybe that's what this journal will be about. One thing it will be, is a space for me to be myself and share with you a little of what makes me tick.

Whether I should share all of this or not is a good question. I'll let you judge for yourself. Just don't judge me and I won't judge you. That sounds like a fair contract. Don't you agree?

So, I'm a crazy sex, driven man who has been on a tear through life. I do, as Dave Matthew sings, Too Much with everything. Live life to the fullest is what I say. So, it's a little of this and a little of that and as much of it all as I can get.

I've been inspired to write after following some really cool people on Twitter live @showingmyassests , @hotjane , @catalinaloves and finally @nybabe. So, I'm writing. I'd appreciate your feedback. And let's grow together. share with me and I'll grow in my own special way.

This blog will not be for the shy or faint of heart. In fact, those are two things I'm not. These are my stories. The names, dates and events have been changed to protect the innocent.